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  • Foto do escritorHigh School Escape

Your partner is supposed to love you, not own you

At the beginning, everything is wonderful and pretty but sometimes relationships can be abusive and unhealthy. You should get out of that situation as soon as possible.

Your partner will ask for your social media accounts and phone passwords, want to know where you are, what you are doing, who you with, your friends, what time you will be back, what time you left home, what you talk and with who you talk, etc.

NEVER let this happen, NEVER give that information if you don’t feel like it, because it can turn into something really ugly pretty quick. All of the things we've talked above are unhealthy. You will feel trapped and with no liberty.

If you're having an argument with your partner and she/he is turning verbally aggressive and trapping you to the wall, call for help, you don’t need that in your life, you DESERVE more happiness.

If you don’t feel like talking with your family talk with us, talk with a friend, get help, go to the police SHE/ HE DOESN’T DESERVE YOU and YOU ARE WORTH IT

“Don’t loose yourself to someone who doesn’t deserve you.”

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