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  • Foto do escritorHigh School Escape

Follow your gut not somebody else's

Peer pressure is when you are in a group of friends or mutuals and they want you to do something you don't want that you never tried before or it's not good for you as for example smoking, take drugs, drink, going out with your parents knowing, etc. This usually happens to teens around 12-18 years old but it can be until longer ages.

Sometimes the approach is "Try it, everybody does it", "You're going to enjoy it", "All your problems will be gone", "If you want to hang out with us you have to do it", "You're not brave enough", "You're a coward", "You're not cool enough".

The advice is, if you're not comfortable with the situation, you know that's not good for you and not want to do it, DON'T DO IT. You should have the right to choose what you do, what you consume and what you think. Basically you should have the guts to say NO.

Talk about it with your parents or some trust person and ask for advice. They will tell you what and what not to do. If needed, stay away from those "friends".

They're not actually your friends; they just want you to do what they do.

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