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  • Foto do escritorHigh School Escape

Let your demons escape

Atualizado: 21 de fev. de 2020

Anxiety is common among teens, these days. Issues like this can happen anywhere, everywhere and the causes differ from person to person.

There is no actual cure to anxiety, but there are some activities you can do to reduce it: practice sports, walking by the sea, meditation, writing, painting, hang out with friends, etc. Learning to manage stress can help limit potential triggers.

Exercise is a great way to burn off anxious energy. Some research suggests that journaling and other forms of writing can help people to cope better with anxiety. Pets offer companionship, love, and support. Research published in 2018 confirmed that pets can be beneficial to people with a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety.

Eventually, we end up figuring out how to deal and live with it.

If you're suffering from anxiety just remember that you're not alone, we are here for you.

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